rabbit hole radio / music in my head / audio oddities

a collection of audio oddities curated by me, updated when I feel like it.


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"don't wake me up"

Track Name: "we've never met but, can we have a coffee or something?"

Artist: in love with a ghost (x)

jan 02, 2017

"live from the bbc in 1989"

Track Name: "Perpetuum Mobile"

Artist: Penguin Cafe Orchestra

Album: Signs of Life

nov 27, 2016

"happy birthday adam"

Track Name: "Hockey Game"

Artist: Cliff Edelman

Album: Untamed Heart [Original Soundtrack]

nov 19, 2016

"so it's a good thing we brought matches"

Track Name: "Matches"

Artist: Sifu Hotman (x)

nov 11, 2016

"god only knows what i'd be without you"

Track Name: "God Only Knows"

Artist: Petra Haden (x), original by the Beach Boys

oct 10, 2016

"sweet dreams"

Track Name: "Chimes for Dreams"

Artist: Jeff Bridges

Album: Jeff Bridges Sleeping Tapes (x)

sep 18, 2016

"another oddity"

Track Name: "Classy Penguin"

Artist: The Books

sep 12, 2016

"cha cha cha"

Track Name: "cha l'ectro cha cha"

Artist: The Coconut Monkeyrocket & Martinibomb

sep 3, 2016

"grumps' dream course"

Track Name: "Luigi's Scoreboard"

Artist: Giik (x), original ("Luigi's Ballad") by Starbomb

sep 1, 2016

"and one day the dried fig of her heart stops its beating"

Track Name: "The Curse"

Artist: Josh Ritter (x)

Album: So Runs the World Away (x)

aug 29, 2016

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