rabbit hole radio / music in my head / audio oddities

a collection of audio oddities curated by me, updated when I feel like it.


view the playlist on youtube

by track


"and a comfortable cage"

Track Name: "The Clock at the Back of the Cage"

Artist: Amanda Palmer (x) and Edward Ka-Spel (x)

mar 1, 2019

"here we are now, entertain us"

Track Name: "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

Artist: Tori Amos (x), original by Nirvana

jan 14, 2018

"you'll be seeing me"

Track Name: "See-through"

Artist: Pollyanna Holland-Wing (x)

oct 11, 2017

"for ellie"

Track Name: "Married Life"

Artist: Michael Giacchino, arranged by BoxOfMusic

may 05, 2017

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